Creeping Things in Creation Illustrated

Recently I had the honor of writing about my favorite group of animals (of course I mean creeping things) for Creation Illustrated Magazine! The article “The Creation of Creeping Things” was featured in the Fall 2016 Edition, Vol.23, No.3 which has just become available for purchase. You can subscribe or find out more about Creation Illustrated here:

Creation Illustrated Fall 2016 Creeping Things
Creation Illustrated Fall 2016
Creation Illustrated Website – Creeping Things Article

The article is about day 6 of the creation week (as told in the book of Genesis) and how the creeping things fit into the rest of God’s Creation. In the article, and in Creeping Things Ministries, we focus on how the design of these animals glorifies their infinitely wise Designer. If you are a reader of this blog, you will find the article to be very similar to what you see here and what we do in the Creeping Things Video Series.

I was also blessed to see that Creation Illustrated chose to use four of my photos in the article.  I literally have thousands of photos of reptiles and amphibians that are not currently being put to good use, and I would much prefer them to be utilized in a God-honoring way.

Nathan Hutcherson Photos Creation Illustrated
Two of Nathan Hutcherson’s photos in Creation Illustrated Magazine

They appropriately chose the Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos), Blainville’s Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii) the Copperhead Snake (Agkistrodon contortrix),  and the Black Rat Snake (Pantherophis obsoletus).

Creation Illustrated Magazine is also available for purchase at the Creation and Earth History Museum in Santee, CA.  Pick up a copy of Creation Illustrated today and check out the article on page 28.

The Creation of Creeping Things by Nathan Hutcherson - Creation Illustrated Fall 2016
The Creation of Creeping Things by Nathan Hutcherson – Creation Illustrated Fall 2016
Thanks for reading! To God be the glory forever Amen!

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